Saturday, March 12, 2011
Patchwork Pouch!
The next thing I have sewn is this cute little patchwork pouch! You can find this pattern (by Sherri Falls) in the Spring 2011 edition of Quilts & More by BH&G (see pouch on cover pic below). This was a fun one! Again, I had to read the instructions a few times to figure all the steps! I still don't have a zipper foot yet, but I managed without one. Making this pouch I learned how to do 'darts' for the first time. By the way, if it wasn't for You Tube, I wouldn't know how to do half this sewing stuff. You can look up any stitch or technique you want and actually SEE how to do it!

This is outstanding! I could really use one of these - sadly, I do not sew~ However, I will be using this as an inspiration for a card!! Thanks so much I really do love this!
I'm looking at the pattern for this right now! Love the colors of yours.
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