Thursday, March 10, 2011
Apple & Orange Dishtowels
Sew, I've been teaching myself to sew lately! You may have already seen my Placemats, which was the first things I've sewed on my new Singer Simple sewing machine! (it's really basic and easy!) This time I tried some applique on a set of dishtowels! I freehand drew an apple and orange on some yellow cotton fabric with a water soluble fabric pen. Then I cut them out. I sprayed the back with a temporary fabric adhesive (you can use this as an alternative to the fusible web stuff) - I'm just learning what all this stuff is! Then I placed it onto my dishtowel and then sewed it on all around the edges! I used a tight zig zag stitch. I know it's not perfect and it's pretty un-even stitching but I'm still learning! Then for the faces I hand stitched those parts with the 'stem stitch' which I've also just learned and haven't yet perfected it. On the apple, I used the running stitch to demonstrate a "shine". On the orange, I did french knots to demonstrate the dimply skin of an orange, with a little circle at the top to be the naval part. Then I stitched on a piece of orange rick rack at the bottom. That's it! My first applique attempt! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to just ask me!

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