Here is my assignment for my copic class this week!! We had to use our copics along with another color medium! I've been working on my contrast technique and BOY has it made a difference!! I'm even happier now!! On this stamp (by rachel ann miller) I used a ton of copics! You can see the combos on the image! (click to enlarge) But THEN...... I used colored pencil overlays!!! OH MAN DO I LOVE THIS!!! It added even MORE contrast! First, please excuse the ink smudge on her dress. Now, I used prismacolor pencils along with the prismacolor pencil clear blender. Just WOW!! You can see the prisma colors I used above on the image.
Sometimes when using the white pencil it would color over my memento ink, but after I was done coloring I went over a couple of spots with my copic SP multiliner. I wish I would have taken a picture before I added the colored pencils, sorry. Also, using the colorless blender PENCIL made a huge difference and erasing any pencil strokes and blending the colors into one another. Nice!
This is my MOST favorite technique I can ever imagine! Hhmm... wonder how my watercolor pencils would do with my aquarel brush?
I have the 24 pack of prismacolor pencils. I bet I've had this set for 10 years and never used them! haha! I bet I will make up for that now!
The blender pencil I bought only 2 weeks ago. not knowing what to do with it, I just wanted it! =) This was the first time I've used it. If you try it, you will see how nice it blends your pencil strokes and colors together! I was using white on some of the lightest parts of the image, but on some parts just blended the next lightest color into my lightest copic color with the pencil blender, didn't need the white then (since those copic parts were already light enough).
I definitely want to increase my colored pencil collection now!! =)
I can't wait to go color another image!!!!
Are the colors just brilliant and vibrant? YES!!!
this is wonderful Tiffany, I never thought to mix markers and pencils, wow!
Are you matching the color with the copics or just using the prisma blender? I have a huge thing of prisma's the big one like 120 and a few blenders. I cannot wait to get home! Ahhh color information overload here. teehheee hee! Thanks
I'm just matching them best I can, I do a little test on a scrap paper before I color on my image. I have 132 prisma pencils and 279 copics so it doesn't always workout to use the pencils.
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